A Photography Outing (Edited)
It was cool, it had just rained, and no blue streaks made their way through the dense cloudy sky. Not the best weather for an outing...though it wasn’t like Chicago was ever chock full of nice-weather days. Lucky for me, I love it when it rains, and after it rains. Sure it’s muddy and wet, but a wet ground gives you better contrast, especially when your subject matter is mostly concrete and brick. I shut the car door and slung my camera over my shoulder. Me and my friend stood in the shipment lot of some large packaging facility. It would have been preferable to us to go someplace obscure, but schedules, traffic, and a plethora of other things deemed it necessary to start small. Several large trucks drove by, paying no heed to us, despite how blindingly out of place we must have looked. A small railroad track, unused, ran parallel to a muddy section of the Chicago river. It was where the river and the track met, that this triangula...