The 1908 Bennett Junior
I have been wanting to get my hands on a Bennett typewriter for a while now. They're often considered the world's smallest keyboard typewriter, and rightfully so. The Bennett employs a full modified unilinear QWERTY keyboard, with a form factor half that of the Underwood 3 bank. It is truly a typewriter that would fit in your coat pocket--I know, I tried. I'm not a typewriter collector, I am a typewriter user. Those of you who know me know that I enjoy using machines that would make most collectors cringe. I'm a big fan of typing. For a long time, I searched for the perfect ultra-portable typewriter, but none that I tried were excellent enough to type on to justify the weight and shoulder pain required to take them out and about. The Bennett, though not great to type on, was certainly the smallest of the bunch. This weekend I was able to get my hands on a Junior, specifically a second model Junior made between 1907 and 1910. The fir...