The “Charming?” Yet awful Typecast Typewriter (updated)

Typecast typewriter review

A couple of years ago, the Michaels craft store began to sell a machine made by “We Are Memory Keepers.”  It is the Typecast Typewriter, and it costs about $170.
Let me cut to the chase: this machine is awful.  The construction is flimsy and cheap, the action is stiff, and the alignment is the worst ever.  So if you wanna buy it, click below!!!

I am not alone in my views, as many other enthusiasts share my stance.  This machine gives the typewriter a bad reputation among many people, especially craft people, who enjoy bearing the name “key chopper” for cutting the keys off of machines a hundred years old just to make a piece of jewelry.  When they are done, the rest of the machine is thrown away.  I really truly despise the lack of respect given to these historical artifacts, and the Typecast only seems to mock them, by perpetuating the inaccurate stereotype of the inconvenient, blotchy, uneven, and cumbersome typewriter.
There are plenty of machines out there from the 50s through the 70s that work amazingly well, and can be found anywhere from $1 to $100.  Much more affordable, not to mention the fact that they’ll last way longer, and type way nicer.  Not enough can be said about the sheer disappointment of this newly manufactured typewriter.  150 years of engineering, and they throw it away to create a machine that shames typography, mechanical engineering, and history.

Below is a type sample, courtesy of Snapping Monsters here on blogger.  I didn’t read their article, as I was afraid it might be a crafty person praising the machine, but in reality, they’re probably just as upset as I am, and wrote a blog post to vent it all out to an unsuspecting, undeserving, and slightly confused (and possibly indifferent) audience.

As for my review, I was forced to give it at least one star.

Anyway, to look at the machine specifically:

This machine is 90% plastic, yet it is still...substantial...?  However, fine machinery doesn’t operate well when it is made from plastic.  Such is the case with this machine.  First of all, the slugs are made with plastic, so they do not build up sufficient momentum to strike the page with ease.  The user must push the key harder to leave a good impression.  Secondly, the plastic slugs are very poorly made.  Some of the letters have gaps, and all of the letters are misaligned (they are also prone to falling off).  
The touch on the machine is more akin to pressing in a trampoline.  You really feel the bar-springs, whereas on a true machine, it goes down without a problem, and springs back up by some absurdly archaic dark magic.  The Typecast Typewriter is nothing more than the sticky residual after-affects of misused dark magic from wannabe-warlocks who flunked Hogwarts.

At least the plastic is shiny....
The mechanics are mostly plastic as well, and the linkages leave a lot to be desired.  The overall design is nice, but the stamped carriage return leaver makes it look kinda cheap.  The machine’s only real merit is the auto-space.  That button makes any machine fun.
On the underside of the machine, one will find much plastic, as well as a very interesting escapement gear.  Easier to fabricate this way, but sort of mysterious in its operation.  By observing the rest of the machine, the user might come to the conclusion that there was a lot of plastic used in the construction. 

I would write a snarky comment here, but I can’t think of one. 

That’s not gonna break any time soon...[sarcasm] 

Ugh...learn to connect bar-springs better.

If we turn our attention to the carriage, there is *gasp* more plastic.  The rubber in the platen is also a bit sub-par, and as seen in the photos, wears out quite fast.  Compare these to, say...Underwood 3-Bank platens.  Smoother than the coating on a non-stick frying pan.

Is that a...plastic segment...?! 

That’s about all there is to the machine.  It takes standard ribbon spools, and uses a (plastic) advancement mechanism that is very delicate.  All in all, the machine is a piece of carefully engineered junk.  But remember, it’s a craft machine, not an office machine.


  1. Thanks for the review. I wouldn't touch it with a bargepole.

  2. “The Typecast Typewriter is nothing more than the sticky residual after-affects of misused dark magic from wannabe-warlocks who flunked Hogwarts.“ I love this! And you’re right, this plastic horror does perpetuate the myth that typewriters are useless items of old junk.

    1. I agree, love the Harry Potter reference and also it was the article was very informative. I am thinking of buying my first typewriter, but it won't be the Typecast. Thank you!

    2. Hey thanks! I'd be happy to sell you your first machine :) I got three for sale.

  3. This is the kind of devices that make made-in-Mexico Olivetti typewriters (I had once a Lettera 25, and it was horrible; now I have a Studio 46, and its flaws made me to avoid it) to seem better than they are. :D

    1. Truely! I tend to stay way from machines made in the 1970s and afterwards.

    2. However, my Olympia SG 3 made in 1979 is an excellent machine. xD

      And once I had a Spaniard Olivetti Lettera 31 that actually was a very Nice & Neat machine:

  4. This is a rebadged Rover, made by Shanghai Weilv Mechanism Company. I believe it is the last few active typewriter manufacturers after Godrej & Boyce in Mumbai closed down in 2011.

    Their website is here:

    It looks like Michaels has marked it up to about double the wholesale cost from the pricing - mind you don't have to order a minimum of 1000 units from Michaels.

    While not as good as many older typewriters, you can pick up a Brother or Nakajima from the 70's pretty cheap, and they are usually light, portable, and pretty snappy little typers for the price.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. HI. I've just purchased the Typecast typewriter from We Are Memory Keepers. I'm find the carriage return doesnt move the paper down for the set line spacings at all. I have the paper release engaged so the paper should be rolling around the roller. I've tried shifting the set line spacings to 1, 1.5 and 2 with no success. It feels like the paper release is not engaging in the cogs for the roller. Even when I do the automatic space key it feels like the roller is running over the cogs and not engaging the teeth into it. It feels rough and juddery.
    Do you have any tips?
    Thanks Tiff.

    1. Hi Tiff, I am not sure what you refer to in regards of the space and its relation to the roller. Paper release releases the feed roller tension so you can adjust it once it is already rolled in. So make sure that is disengaged to insert a page. If you are having carriage issues, make sure you removed the plastic shipping clips. Otherwise I feel that machine is hardly worth the money you paid for it, and if you can score a refund I have a much cheaper 70s remington that types and works like a dream.

  7. 1. This review was hilarious. I enjoyed it very much lol.
    2. I’ve had a pink one of these mutants for two years, tried it twice. Once like yay! Typewriter!! Second time like. Okay maybe I’m just doing something wrong….. nope. *leaves under couch forever* I want to sell it but I feel I would have to warn the buyer….

  8. Loved the content! You have mentioned every aspect of the subject through this article, can you please write about "accountants for dentists"?

  9. I bought this typewriter a little over 3 years ago and I write children's books and I've never had a problem with it I use it all the time I don't know where you guys get off talking about it like you do when there's really nothing wrong with it mine works beautifully beautifully and by the way I still I'm using the same ribbon as I when I got it everything works perfectly smooth nothing sticks the paper is perfectly lined up it doesn't cut anything off so it doesn't have a bottom what's the big deal and yes I bought mine at Michael's

    1. While your typerwiter is perfect, that doesn't mean that everyone else had the same experience and they are allowed to 'get off' about their faulty machines. I've seen and heard far more negatives about this typewriter than positives. Consider yourself lucky that you got a good one.


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